A cultural and artistic group, the Society of Friends of Henry Lerolle (SAHL) purpose is to gather around the figure of the painter all those professionals, amateurs and collectors, interested in Henry Lerolle, his art, his influence and his personality in the context of his time.
A Word from the President

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Portrait d'Henry Lerolle,
1895, collection particulière
Closely connected to Ernest Chausson and the Rouart family, Henry Lerolle (1848-1929) was a painter and a collector; friend, among others, of Degas, Renoir, Puvis de Chavanne, Carrière and Maurice Denis, all visitors to his salon, Avenue Duquesne.
The Society of Friends of Henry Lerolle, created in 2014, seeks, above all, to bring to the public eye his work as painter, on the sidelines of Impressionism and far from Academicism. It will focus on the major decorations, many of which still exist, and on the painting of rural and idyllic scenes, as well as on the portraits, landscapes, and more intimate subjects.
The Society of Friends of Henry Lerolle would like to get in touch with collectors possessing works either by Henry Lerolle or from his collection.
Geneviève Lacambre, Président
Mission of the SAHL is
- to establish an inventory of Henry Lerolle works of art, to publish a book on the same and to organize an exhibition of his Works
- to encourage private and public initiatives around his name
- to organize and /or participate in cultural évents to promote his work in France and abroad.

Nature morte au citrons,
huile sur toile, 38 x 46, Paris, collection particulière