
For 2017, membership fees are as follows:
Become a Member
La Société des Amis d’Henry Lerolle welcome new members.
To become a member, simply fill out the attached membership form with your donation (check or Paypal)
The board of the Société des Amis d’Henry Lerolle consists of : Geneviève Lacambre, president , Olivier Lerolle, Sylvie Blin, Marine Kisiel, Marie-Sophie Vincent-Clémot, Monique Nonne, scientific counsellors and documentary research Aggy Lerolle, Secrétaire executive
Individual : 25 €
Couple : 35 €
Donators : 75 €
Student : 10 €

Henry Lerolle, Lettres sur une nappe rouge,
s.d., huile sur toile, 12 x 25 cm, Genève, collection particulière.
For more information, here are our contact details
By post :
Société des Amis d’Henry Lerolle
48 rue Mazarine
75006 Paris
By email :
Please complete the form bellow
Thank You !